On January 18, the felling of a dugout boat tree at the foot of Kõrvemäe in Mulgimaa. During the Finno-Ugric year, this tree will be used to make a dugout boat in honor of the kindred peoples under the leadership of Andres Rõigas.
On February 13 at 1 pm, the opening event of the Finno-Ugric Capital of Culture 2021 in front of the Abja Culture House.
March 25 Mulgimaa Children’s 25th Folklore Day at Paistu School with kindred peoples under the leadership of Alli Laande.
Month of Mulgi and Finno-Ugric handicraft events, conducting handicraft workshops in different parishes in cooperation with Viljandi Culture Academy.
May 14-15, the Finno-Ugric Capital of Culture participates in the Tourest fair.
May 28, heritage tourism seminar.
June 5-6 Participation in the Viljandi Hanseatic Days.
June 6, Fair at Estonian-Latvian border crossing point in Mõisaküla.
June 13-16 FUFF – Finno-Ugric Film Festival in Sänna Culture Manor
June 16-18 Participation in the VIII World Congress of Finno-Ugric Peoples.
June 19 Mulgimaa family game with Finno-Ugric peoples in Halliste.
June 26 Mulgimaa family game with Finno-Ugric peoples in Tarvastu.
Getting acquainted with the former lands of Livonians
July 15-18 Abja-Paluoja summer days with Finno-Ugric peoples.
July 17 Celebration of the 135th birthday of Hella Wuolijoki in Ala.
June 17 Mulgimaa family game with Finno-Ugric peoples in Helme.
July 22-25 Tõrva Fire Days.
July 24 Mulgimaa family game with Finno-Ugric peoples in Karksi.
July 24 the fire of the Mulgi party will move in Mulgimaa, together with the representatives of Mulks and kindred peoples, it will be taken to every parish and lit on the highest peak of Mulgimaa on Härjassaare hill.
July 31 VI Mulgi party “Mia and sia ütenkuun” in Karksi manor park and a folk party with kindred peoples. Fair, children’s area, workshops, etc.
August 7 Mulgimaa family game with Finno-Ugric peoples Paistu.
August 14 Mulgimaa Accordion Festival.
August 20-21, Urissaare country music festival.
August 28 Finno-Ugric people’s food street and handicraft fair in Abja-Paluoja.
The traditional music of Finno-Ugric peoples is introduced by the Estonian Traditional Music Center in Mulgimaa educational institutions.
September 3-4 Honey Festival and the fair of products of small producers of Mulks and Finno-Ugric peoples in Karksi-Nuia.
Pizzafest. (This year, the Hungarian sister municipality Iszkaszentgyörgy will participate with its folk dancers and national cuisine.) In the park of Suure - Kõpu manor on September 14.
September 18-19 Etnolaat in Tallinn.
The traditional music of Finno-Ugric peoples is introduced by the Estonian Traditional Music Center in Mulgimaa educational institutions.
October 11-16 Week of Tribal Days events in the five parishes of Mulgimaa.
October 12 Day of the Mulgi flag and the flag of the Finno-Ugric peoples, tours in Mulgimaa for guests.
October 16, the closing event of the Mulgi and Kindred Peoples’ Week in Paistu community center.
November 26 Mulgi porridge day and Finno-Ugric peoples’ food day, workshops.
November 27 Conference of Mulgi and Finno-Ugric peoples and festive concert at Abja Culture House.